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Child Adoption Leave

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 9728-F(P), Dated: 24.10.2011


Sub: Child adoption leave.

The matter of Child adoption leave was under active consideration of the Govt.

After careful consideration of the matter the Governor has been pleased to decide that if a female employee with less than two surviving children, adopts a child of less than 1 (one) year, she will be entitled to 135 days ‘Child adoption leave’.

For the ‘Child adoption leave’ period, salary drawn immediately before proceeding on leave shall be paid.

In continuation of child adoption leave, she may avail leave of any kind due and admissible for a period up to one year or till the child is one year old, whichever is earlier. Even leave not due and commuted leave up to 60 days without production of Medical certificate is admissible.

This order shall take immediate effect from 01.10.2011.

Sd/- A.K. Das
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

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