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Leave Rules for West Bengal Govt Employees

There are different types of leave available for Govt Employees of West Bengal. Some points to be noted about the leave.

  • Leave cannot be claimed as of right. [WBSR-I, 153. (1)]
  • Leave have to apply from e-SE login of the employee of www.wbifms.gov.in portal.
  • After availing the leave the employee has to join online through the ESE login.
  • Casual Leave (CL) is not treated as leave. (WBSR Rule 167)
  • If the day preceding the beginning day of leave and the day after the end of leave is a holiday the employee can enter the date as the prefix and suffix. In this case, if the employee not applying the leave for medical purpose prefix and suffix date will not include in leave period. But in case of leave on the medical ground, the leave will count including those dates.
  • Controlling officer/Sanctioning authority can recall the employee from leave.

  • Casual Leave:

    • Casual Leave (CL) is not treated as leave. (WBSR Rule 167)
    • Casual Leave shall not be combined with any other kind of leave.
    • Casual Leave cannot be granted more than 7 consecutive days including Sunday, Holiday. 
    • CL is admissible for 14 days each year (January to December).
    • CL is admissible on private affairs and medical ground.

    Earned Leave:

    Earned leave for government employees earning in a department other than a vacation department (Rule 169 of WBSR-I):

    • The leave account of every Government employee who is serving in a Department other than a vacation Department (School, College etc) shall be credited with earned leave, in advance, in two installments of 15 days each on the first day of January and July of every calendar year (Total 30 days per year). Per month 21 days of earned leave balance will be credited in the leave account of an employee. For Example, one employee joined on 1st Jan, the advance leave balance of 15 days will be credited. But one employee joined on 2nd Jan or letter, the leave balance of 121/2 will be credited as on date of 1st Jan.
    • Earned leave can be availed on Private affairs or Medical Ground. In the case of medical ground, a medical certificate should be submitted along with the application. 
    • Maximum credit of earned leave is 300 days. At the time of retirement one employee gets maximum 300 days of cash equivalent to leave salary. If leave credit is 300 at the time of retirement, the calculation of leave salary as follows:
    • Without permission of Government, an employee can't take leave more than 120 days.
    • Earned leave can combine with Maternity Leave, Half Pay Leave and Leave without pay but not with Casual Leave.

    Half Pay Leave:

    • Half pay leave balance credited 20 days per year. Every month leave credit is 5/3 days.
    • Half Pay Leave can be availed on Private affairs and Medical Ground.
    • Half Pay Leave can combine with other leave except Casual Leave.
    • During half pay leave salary will be calculated as follows: Example: If Basic Pay of an employee before HPL is ₹ 10000 he/she will get salary during half pay leave is:-
      • Half of the Basic Pay: ₹ 5000
      • DA as per the rate of half basic pay (i.e. 125%): ₹6250
      • HRA 15% (as per rate) of full basic pay i.e 10000: ₹1500
      • Medical Allowance as per admissible: ₹300  

    Commuted Leave:

    • 2 half pay leave is equal to 1 commuted leave.
    • Admissible on the Medical ground, not exceeding half the amount of half pay leave due and Study purpose in the interest of public service up to a maximum of 90 days.

    Maternity Leave:

    • Maternity leave is admissible for female employees (married or unmarried).
    • Also admissible for abortion, miscarriage.
    • Maximum of 180 days can be granted, for abortion or miscarriage 6 weeks.
    • Medical certificate should be submitted with the application.

    Child adoption leave:

    • Maternity leave is admissible for female employees.
    • Maximum 135 days admissible as child adoption leave.
    • Female Govt. employee with less than two surviving children and adopts a child aged less than 1 year can apply for leave 

    Child Care Leave:

    • Only Female Govt. employee for taking care of upto two children upto 18 years of their age.
    • Maximum 2 years (730 days) of leave can be availed during the entire period of service.
    • Child care leave can be applied for the illness of the child and for an exam of the child.
    • It may not be granted for less than 15 days in a spell.
    • It may not be granted in more than 3 (three) spells in a calendar year.
    • It may be combined with leave of the kind due and admissible.

    Paternity Leave cum Child Care Leave:

    • Only Male Govt. employee for taking care of upto two children for 30 days.
    • This leave may be availed of during childbirth and upto the age of 18 years of the child.
    • Such leave can be combined with leave of any other kind.

    Leave not Due:

    • Leave not due means advance leave, when the employee hasn't any leave balance.
    • It is a half pay leave. The employee has to adjust the leave after joining with half pay leave.
    • Maximum 360 days in a service period it may be granted, but at a time maximum 90 days and with medical certificate 180 days of Leave not due can be granted.

    Extraordinary Leave:

    • Extraordinary Leave is Leave without pay.
    • No pay and allowance to be paid during the extraordinary leave.

    Hospital Leave:

    • Hospital leave means leave on account of ill-health granted to specified members of subordinate (services whose duties expose them to special risk of accident of illness. 
    • Admissible full pay upto 3 month and thereafter half pay.

    Special Sick Leave and Leave to Survey:

    • This leave can be availed by naval and survey staff for madical ground.
    • Upto 3 months of leave can be availed.

    Leave Rule in Bangla (বাংলায় দেখুন )

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