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Forgot Password of eSE? This may help you.

Sometimes we aren't able to remember the password of some websites like this portal. But don't worry. By following some simple steps you can retrieve your forgotten password within a minute.
Here are the steps to follow:-
1. Open Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or any other Web Browser.
2. Type the URL http://wbifms.gov.in in the address bar of the browser. The Homepage ofiFMS- WB appears.
3. Click on Forgot Password.
Password reset page is displayed.

4. Manually provide your Employee Number.
5. Manually provide your Mobile Number.
6. Enter the Captcha.
7. Click on Reset.
An account Reset successful message is displayed at the top.

The employee will receive a new password in the registered mobile no and the password needs to be 
changed upon the first login.
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Watch Video Tutorial here:

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