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How to Sign up for Registration on WBIFMS Portal as an Employee

The first important work to do as an employee of West Bengal is to register on www.wbifms.gov.in as an employee. Without registering on this portal you can not complete any official application like Earn Leave, Casual Leave, Loan application for GPF etc.

Benefits of Registration:

You will get following benefits by registering on WBIFMS Portal:
  • Download your monthly Pay Slip
  • Apply for all types of Leave
  • View Leave balance and leave availing details
  • Download yearly salary statement for better calculation of Income Tax
  • View arrear statement
  • Apply for GPF loan and view existing loan details.
  • LTC/HTC/TC Application
  • TA claim
  • Family Nomination update for GPF, GIS, and Death Gratuity
  • Pension application initiation
  • Submitting Self Appraisal Report
  • and many more upcoming services.

The process of Sign up or Registration:

Before an employee can get these benefits, he or she needs to register himself/ herself with eServices for Employees (eSE), only for the first time and then, using the same Log In details, he/she will be able to login to e-Services from later on. Here are the details steps to register:-

Pre Requisites for generation of ELF Password:- 

1. Unique Employee No. must have been generated in HRMS
2. Mobile No. of the employee must be registered and approved by the DDO through My Employee of HRMS module. 

In order to use Employee Login Facility:- 

1. Open any other Web Browser. 
2. Type the URL http://wbifms.gov.in  in the address bar of the browser. The Homepage of iFMS- WB appears.

 Here you can find the links for e-Services for Employees in the left-hand bottom of the page. 
  • SignUp for Registration - For first time users. 
  • Sign In- For users already registered in eSE and already have eSE Login Credentials.
  • Forgot Password - For users who have Log In Credentials but has forgotten the password. 

New User Registration: (Only for first time Users)

1. Click on the link SignUp for registration. 
2. Employee Registration page is displayed.

3. Manually enter the Employee Number (As generated in HRMS),  
4. Enter Mobile Number.  ( The Mobile No. should be the one provided and approved in HRMS module
5. Enter the Captcha

6. Click on Register. You will receive an OTP on your mobile. Please note that it may take about 3-4 minutes to receive the OTP in the employee's registered mobile no. 
7. HRMS- eSE Account Creation page is displayed. 

8. Manually provide the One Time Password received in your mobile, in the designated field.
9. Click on the Declaration CheckBox.
10. Click on Create My Account

Account creation page is displayed with a success message at the top. Along with it, the employee will receive an SMS in his registered mobile no. for a temporary password. This password requires to be compulsorily changed when the employee logs in for the first time using the login (i.e the employee no and the temporary password).

11. Again open any Web Browser.
12. Type the URL http://wbifms.gov.in in the address bar of the browser. The Homepage of iFMS WB appears.

13. After you have received the temporary password, in your mobile, click on the link Sign In, in the 
home page of iFMS.
The Login page for the eSE is displayed.

14. Manually provide the Login ID ( which is your Employee No. in HRMS) and Password (temporary password received in your mobile)
15. Click on Login
Upon first Logging In, the user has to change the temporary password. The password change page 
for the first time user is automatically displayed.

16. Manually provide the Old Password (as received in your mobile, i.e. the temporary password),
New Password and again Retype the New Password.
17. Click on Change Password.
A success Message box is displayed. This means the new password has been created.
N.B. The new password should be 6-15 characters, containing One Capital Letter, One Small Letter, One Number and One Special Character.

Sign In For existing Employees: (For users who have already done the registration)

1. Open any Web Browser.
2. Type the URL http://wbifms.gov.in in the address bar of the browser. The Homepage 
of iFMS- WB appears.
3. Click on Sign In.
The eSE Login Page is displayed.
4. Here type Employee id in the box User Id and Password in the password box and click on Login.
The eSE Homepage is displayed.

From here you can collect your payslip and get other benefits as stated above.
Thanks for visiting us.

Video Tutorial for this process:

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